Recent Posts by admin

Ask The Expert: Are there item limits in home insurance policies?

Did you know most home insurance policies have limits on certain items? Examples of some of these limited items are jewellery, bikes, computers, collectables and other property.  A good broker will go through this with you, to make sure you don`t have more than those limits allow.  If you do, these limits can typically be increased to...
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Ask The Expert: How Much Should A Website Cost?

One of the most frequent questions that I receive relates to budgeting for a new website.  Clients are astounded at the range of quotes that they receive from design firms and it's no surprise! Website design is not a regulated field, meaning that we don't have set fees that we have to charge, with minimums...
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Ask The Expert: Can You Buy Happiness?

After the holiday bells come the holiday bills… and an opportunity to ponder that age-old question: can you buy happiness? As luck would have it, researchers have been studying that very thing. Family reunions, travel, parties, gifts… The holidays warm our hearts – but there’s a price to pay! Take a look:
Department store sales,... 			
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Getting Ready to Sell

Selling a home takes preparation, organization and professional marketing. This section will walk you through all the things you need to know to be fully prepared to sell your property, from understanding the housing market to choosing a real estate agent that will handle your home listing.


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6 Ways to Go Organic in Your Home Garden

Organic gardening techniques may help improve the health of your plants. Below are several ways to go organic in your garden, whether you have a large garden plot or plants in containers. Forward this information on to your family and friends that have a “green thumb.”

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Real Estate: Needs vs. Wants

Separating your must-have features from the ones you can live without

Just as you wouldn’t set out to buy the Thanksgiving Day groceries without a list, you shouldn’t start looking at houses before you know for sure what you want and need in a home.

Focus your home search...

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Understanding Real Estate Market Conditions

How supply and demand on the housing market impact your buying strategy

Think back to high school economics. Remember those lessons on the laws of supply and demand, and how you swore you’d never need to know that stuff in the real world? Well, if you’re looking to buy a house, it could...

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